5561 NE 33rd Ave, Fort Lauderdale FL 33308 | $2,050,000.00

One thing for sure is, if you treat every deal like its a two million dollar deal, and treat all your clients the same, the little deal turns into a big deal! Stefano and Patrick came to me about a townhouse rental. I worked with them showing town-homes for rent across Fort Lauderdale. It didn’t take long as I know the market and the product. I selected the best three and they took a nice townhouse in Lake Ridge Fort Lauderdale sight unseen via facetime.
A year later they came back to me and asked them to help them find their dream home. I introduced them to Brian Coutu from Fairway Mortgage to help them with that process. I also introduced them to Joshua Pinsky who is a real estate attorney and owns a title company. With this all-star team behind me we were able to negotiate and handle the ups and down of a luxury transaction. Any Buyer, Seller or Realtor that says its not a roller coaster ride, just hasn’t done enough deals. Nevertheless, we all got across the finish line and they are ecstatic! I’m so happy for them and lucky to have that business and have life long friends.
“This Docktor Makes House Calls”