I own 5 Airbnb’s, and I did it in three years, and so can you !

Heck yea!!! 5 of them baby!! Did it in 3 years! Thanks to Christopher James Russell for taking my calls and lending me his peeps all the time. And thanks to David Wright for always dealin with the BS helping me. And my mom for liking all my posts 🙂 And of course to my dad for always saying wow. 🙂

I’m just a little guy, 5 to me is a lot, especially since I self manage, self book. I’m just trying to set up my future, building equity, gaining appreciation, having a nice tax shelter.
I straight up house hacked on every one of these and bought around emerging markets and property that had the right construction/ 4 point & wind mitigation items to prevent skyhigh insurance Using low downpayment loans 3.5% down on my first loan and 5% on my second. I can show you how to do this and set yourself up in the future for little money down.
Just call the Docktor that Makes House Calls 🙂
P.S. I can tell you I have been studying the multifamily market 2-4 unit inventory for years now. I track it daily, I understand the long term rentals, short term, airbnb and VRBO strategy. I run complete analysis to understand what my cap rate is, what the cash on cash is. Long term vs short term, unfurnished vs furnished . I can’t tell you what will happen in the future for values. But one this is for certain, people always need a home to go to, and also people love coming to Florida. There is room to make money in real estate if you strategize correctly and call the Docktor, because he makes house calls: )