Imperial Point | Fort Lauderdale |$560,000

Sherry Initially found me online during here research. She was not familiar with the area, she was relying on me to guide her through the many various neighborhoods of Fort Lauderdale. Being a native to the area and having a pulse on what’s going on in the market here, I was the perfect Realtor for her.
Initially we started off with a budget around $350,000 – $400,000 for a single family with a pool. Being that the single family median home price is Broward is up to $390,000 from $365,000 it can be challenging to find the perfect home in east Fort Lauderdale. I initially took her to Riverland and Chula Vista area of southwest Fort Lauderdale. Not my favorite area, but based on that price point there are homes around 350k-450k with pools in that area. Sherry decided that she wasn’t that fond of the area either. However the home buying process is just that; a process, not an event. Taking Buyers through neighborhoods to understand their taste is all part of the process.
Next we found a beautiful house in Pompano Beach Fl, on the cusp of Fort Lauderdale. It was a quiet section, and had a 2 car garage, a beautiful half moon driveway with excellent curb appeal. That house was $550,000 and I negotiated on her behalf down to $510,000. We went into the inspection process after the contract was signed. I recommended a sewer scope, not all agents or buyers will do this or understand the complications and costs associated with cast iron plumbing.
Many homes that were built before 1975 have it. What we found is the stack in the kitchen has a sizable crack in the iron. The house needed about $20,000 in repairs, and had an original roof. I advised Sherry that an older roof will result in higher insurance costs. Ultimately I had to advise her about the amount of costs needed, and high insurance costs right from the start makes the deal not as attractive and with the Seller’s unwilling to budge ultimately I cancelled the contract on her behalf within the inspection period so protect her.
I advised Sherry that perhaps upping the budget from the low 500’s to the mid and or upper 500’s may result in better property conditions that ultimately will cost less in the near future. Why not spend more and get a better product versus trying to get the lower priced house that needs work to get it to where it should be. I was able to find a $585,000 single family home on a large lot with a pool. Had great curb appeal and a beautiful front door. We ended up getting into contract at $560,000. Yes it was $50,000 more than she wanted to spend but now the roof was only 10 years old vs end of life. There were no cracks in the galvanized piping. The interior conditions all around were better and less work was involved.
I’m so happy that not only I was able to sell this beautiful house, but I actually used my experience in selling and owning to properly guide her through this process, protect her from a money pit and continue to help and build relationships. Sherry already has my painters, pool guys and lawn service over there next week getting her squared away. Consider me full service. And remember; This Docktor Makes House Calls!